Cystitis, a form of urinary tract infection in women,
is the medical term for an inflammation of the bladder. Most of the time, the inflammation is the result of a bacterial infection, but it can also be caused by irritation or damage. It causes an urgent and frequent need to urinate. Cystitis also causes burning or stinging when passing urine.
Mild cystitis usually clears up within 4-9 days. Moderate to severe cystitis can cause abdominal pain, or even fever, and may need treatment with antibiotics.
You should see your doctor if you
Experience symptoms of cystitis for the first time
Have more than just mild symptoms, or symptoms do not go away, or if they worsen
Have had cystitis more than three times in one year (recurrent cystitis)
Let’s understand the causes
The causes of cystitis can be broadly divided into two categories

Bacterial Infection
Most of the time, the inflammation is the result of a bacterial infection and is referred to as a urinary tract infection (UTI). The treatment of choice for a UTI is an antibiotic. It is important that you consult your doctor if you have acute cystitis symptoms because when left untreated, a bacterial infection can spread to your kidneys and lead to serious health problems.
A bacterial infection is often caused by bacteria that get into your urethra from surrounding skin and travel up towards your bladder.
This can happen when you:
- use tampons
- are sexually active
- wipe back to front when you go to the toilet
- use a diaphragm or spermicide for contraception
Damage or Irritation
Cystitis can also be caused by damage, or irritation.
This can happen when you:
- have frequent or vigorous sexual intercourse
- wear tight clothing
- use products that can irritate your skin such as perfumed soap, talcum powder, shower gel, bubble bath, spermicidal agents etc.
- or are unable to empty your bladder completely due to a physical condition such as pregnancy

Classic symptoms of cystitis include



Painful Urination

Blood in your urine


If you experience cystitis symptoms, complete this checklist. Print it and be sure to bring it with you when seeing a
healthcare professional. It could be handy when discussing your condition with your pharmacist or your doctor.
This product might not be right for you. Always read and follow the label.
When to see your doctor
If you have more than just mild symptoms (for example: painful urination, blood in urine or side pain, fever and chills, nausea and vomiting), or if symptoms persist or return soon after completing the 48 hour treatment, consult your health care practitioner.
Mild cystitis usually clears up within 4-9 days. Moderate to severe cystitis can cause abdominal pain, or even fever, and may need treatment with antibiotics.
- Experience cystitis for the first time
- Have blood in your urine
- Have severe pain or symptoms
do not go away or worsen
- Have a fever above 38℃ or 100.4℉
- Have had cystitis three times a year